Typical Cases
Food & Biochemical Industry工:百事桂格燕麦北京工厂,从原料到燕麦片所有物料均采用BOENTEC气力输送系统

Food & Biochemical Industry: 罗盖特(Roquette) 淀粉、FMS/FNS 变性淀粉、山梨酸醇、麦芽糖醇等多个气力输送系统

Food & Biochemical Industry: 益海嘉里(金龙鱼),多套淀粉及副压气力输送及散料处理系统在开原、富裕、周口等工厂运行

Food & Biochemical Industry:嘉吉生化松原、天津、漯河等工厂,多套淀粉及副产品、结晶糖、麦芽糊精、焦亚硫酸钠、Dairy动物饲料等气力输送及物料处理系统

Pharmacy Industry: 茂源药业水杨酸产品、中美史克粉料气力输送系统。水杨酸产品气力输送采用BOETNEC开发的闭环输送技术实现极低的物料含水率

Food & Biochemical Industry :Gadot 歌得诺贝、金禾博源、诸城东晓、沂利泓等柠檬酸、赤藓糖醇晶体物料,采用低速密相栓塞气力输送系统技术以保持物料性状,极低破碎率

Food & Biochemical Industry:中粮生化、骊骅、伊安、富锦、北安、大成、福阳、绥化、新和成等淀粉及副产品气力输送系统

Food & Biochemical Industry:梅花集团淀粉及副产品、黄原胶、纯碱等产品气力输送系统、混合机配料系统在多个工厂投入运行

Petrochemical Industry:Sanjiang Haojia 300KTA PP,Powder cooler (Plate tube type water cooler) applied for PP powder. Temperature from 70℃ decrease to less than 40℃

Petrochemical Industry: Weixing petrochemical, Pneumatic conveying of PP plant, project design and supplied by Boentec form first phase to third phase.

Petrochemical Insustry:Lihezhixin New Material CO.,Ltd. 300KTA PP, Capacity of PP Powder:43t/h,Pellet: 60t/h,Start-up From 2020.06

Petrochemical Industry:Huajin Chemical Group 250KTA PP 气力输送系统,粉料处理能力48t/h,粒料掺混及包装能力60t/h, 于2009年一次开车成功。

Petrochemical Industry:Yanizi Petrochemical (SINOPEC) 200KTA LLDPE、HDPE聚乙烯完善气力输送系统完工,第一套国产逆流式淘洗器应用。

Plastic Industry:Penumatic conveying system for Alvand 12KMTA meltblown project (APDC), including powder and pelltets conveying and PLC automatic control system, Arak, Iran

Plastic Industry: SOLVAY Changshu. PVDF powder and pellets pneumatic conveying and fluidization silo of Dragon, Spartacus,Spring project are design and manufacture by BOENTEC

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